EIA's, EMPr's & IWMP's


Environmental Authorisation Applications

Environmental Authorisation Applications, Basic Assessment Reports, Scoping Reports, Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA’s) and Environmental Management Programme Reports (EMPr’s) in accordance with the EIA Regulations, 2014 (GN R982 in GG 38282 of 4 December 2014), as promulgated under the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998




Environmental Control Officer

Environmental authorisations or licences issued in terms of specific environmental legislation do in some instances require the appointment of an Environmental Control Officer to monitor activities conducted on site in terms of the authorisations or licences. This duty can include the verification of the activities’ compliance with the conditions of the authorisation or licence in the form of Environmental Control Officer Audits.

Environmental Legal Services has expertise in conducting such Environmental Control Officer Audits.  When these audits are conducted emphasis is put on the identification of significant risks. Our approach is not only to report on non-compliances but also provide solutions to the non-compliances identified, and to minimise associated risks.


Waste Management Licence Applications (WMLA)

Waste Management Licence Applications (WMLA) as required in terms of the listed waste management activities (GN R921 in GG 37083 of 29 November 2013) published in terms of the National Environmental Management Waste Act 59 of 2008. A basic assessment process or scoping and EIA process must be followed as part of the WML application process.


Water Use Licences

Facilitation of Water Use Licence Applications (WULA) in accordance with the National Water Act 36 of 1998 (NWA).



Development of Environmental Management Programs (EMPr)

An EMPr is a document that provides a description of the methods and procedures for mitigating and monitoring negative environmental impacts identified as part of the environmental assessment. We develop site and project specific EMPr’s in line with the principles of Integrated Environmental Management (EIM), as well as the National Environmental Management Act (Act No. 107 of 1998) and Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2014 as ammended.


Development of Building & Construction Integrated Waste Management Plans (IWMP)


An Building Integrated Waste Management Plan sets out what provision is made for collection and disposal of the building and other waste as well as what provisions are made to store the waste on the property.

A Building Integrated Waste Management Plan includes the Following:

(a)  an assessment of the quantity and type of waste that will be generated;

(b)  a description of the services required to store, collect, transport and dispose of such waste;

(c)  a description of how they intend separating recyclable and non-recyclable material at the point of source;

(d)  the waste minimisation and pollution prevention plans of such waste generator;

(e)  the impact or potential impact on the environment of the waste created by them;

(f)  the type or characteristics of waste produced of an environmentally sensitive nature or the amount of natural resources that are consumed in the manufacturing or production process that result in waste; and

(g)  targets for waste production through waste minimisation, re-use, recycling and recovery measures or programmes that can minimise the consumption of natural resources and the method of disposal of waste